Sun Valley Film Fest Boon for Valley Scarvier

In 5 short years, The Sun Valley Film Festival has grown into a fabulous event drawing thousands of visitors to the Gem State. Naturally, Los Angeles area residents comprise a large number of the patrons and are being credited with the enormous surge in he-scarf usage during the 5 day event.
Pat Simmeroy, Founder/CEO of local scarvier FRONTMAN, was thrilled with the spike in dude-to-scarf ratio and reports record sales. "It's been one a helluva ride getting to this point but it's finally starting to pay off!" declared Simmeroy.

The entrepreneurial Simmeroy (after having his
chiropractor's license revoked in 2003) was able to parlay a borderline OCD felting hobby, acute awareness of man-cessories and what he describes as "a healthy amount of bi-curiosity" into the now famous 'scarves for him' empire. A self proclaimed marketing genius, Simmeroy credits much of FRONTMAN's success to the clever naming of their product offerings like the 'Haute Karl', 'Check it and See', 'Heretic' and 'Kweef'.