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Sun Valley Film Fest Boon for Valley Scarvier

Rich Richardson in 'Heretic'

In 5 short years, The Sun Valley Film Festival has grown into a fabulous event drawing thousands of visitors to the Gem State. Naturally, Los Angeles area residents comprise a large number of the patrons and are being credited with the enormous surge in he-scarf usage during the 5 day event.

Pat Simmeroy, Founder/CEO of local scarvier FRONTMAN, was thrilled with the spike in dude-to-scarf ratio and reports record sales. "It's been one a helluva ride getting to this point but it's finally starting to pay off!" declared Simmeroy.

Tyrone Jamel-Jamal in 'Haute Karl'

The entrepreneurial Simmeroy (after having his

chiropractor's license revoked in 2003) was able to parlay a borderline OCD felting hobby, acute awareness of man-cessories and what he describes as "a healthy amount of bi-curiosity" into the now famous 'scarves for him' empire. A self proclaimed marketing genius, Simmeroy credits much of FRONTMAN's success to the clever naming of their product offerings like the 'Haute Karl', 'Check it and See', 'Heretic' and 'Kweef'.

Mayor Briscoe in 'Kweef'


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